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[해외 화제]‘엘리스 딕스 스코필드 여사 묘비 제막식’에 김수영 작가, 추모사 바쳐

posted May 18, 2024


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄





[스포츠닷컴 엄원지 대기자]


김수영 작가(86)는 목사이면서 시인, 수필가로 미국에서 왕성히 작품에 매진하고 있는 문인이다.


김 작가가 캐나다인이었으면서도 일제치하에서 우리나라 독립을 위해 목숨도 불사하고 독립운동에 삶을 바친 스코필드 박사(Frank William Schofield, 石虎弼, 1889~1970/1968년 독립훈장 독립장)’의 서울대학 제자인 것은 세상이 이미 알고 있는 사실이다.


또 수필집(한글/영문판)‘잊을 수 없는 스코필드 박사와 에델바이스의 추억을 출간하고, 이어서 수필집(영문판) ‘A Beacon of Hope_ Dr. Frank W. Schofield’(희망의 불꽃, 스코필드 박사님)을 출간해 책이 아마존에서 판매되고 있는 것도 다 아는 사실로 김 작가와 스코필드 박사와의 인연은 책을 통해서 그 깊이와 크기가 잘 나타나 있다.





존경하는 스승이었던 스코필드 박사의 부인인 엘리스 딕스 스코필드 여사(1889~1959)’의 묘비 제막식이 지난 511일 캐나다 토론토에 있는 마운트 플레전트 세미터리에서 한인단체인 스코필드재단(대표 김만홍 목사) 주관으로 열릴 때 김 작가 역시 이 제막식에 참가했다.


엘리스 딕스 스코필드 여사는 1916년부터 한국에서 생활했고 일제의 폭압에 평소 지향하던 예술활동 등 생명의 위협을 피해 임신한 몸으로 정신질환 치료를 위해 캐나다로 귀국했다.


그리고 지난 40여년간을 정신질환 보호소에서 쓸쓸히 지내다 1959년에 세상을 떠났다.


이에 스코필드 박사의 정신을 계승하고 발전시키기 위해 활동하고 있는 캐나다 한인단체 스코필드 재단(대표:김만홍 목사)에서는 그간 박사 부인의 묘비를 세워주는 사업을 추진해 왔고, 비로소 제막식을 열게 된 것이다.


제막식에는 스코필드 박사 후손과 제자, 재단 관계자들 그리고 주토론토한국총영사관 권태한 부총영사, 알리 에사시 연방의원, 도나 켄스필드 전 온타리오 자연자원부장관 등이 참석했다.


이날 제막식 진행은 김만홍 목사의 고인과 스코필드의 업적에 대한 설명이 있었고 김수영 작가의 영어 추모사가 있었다.



                                                                      (사진= 왼쪽부터 손녀, 딸, 김수영 작가, 김만홍 목사, 권태한 부총영사)



김수영 작가는 아픈 몸인데도 쓸쓸하게 살다간 애국자 스승 부인의 묘비 제막식에 손녀, 딸과 함께 참가해 추모사를 통해 고인의 생과 뜻을 기렸고, 이를 듣는 참석자들의 마음과 눈시울을 뜨겁게 했다.



다음은 김수영 작가가 엘리스 딕스 스코필드 여사 묘비 제막식에서 연설한 영어 추모사의 전문이다.


                                                              [김수영 작가 영어 연설 전문]



Ladies and Gentlemen,

It brings me great pleasure to see all of you gathered here today.


We are assembled to commemorate the placement of the late Mrs. Schofield's grave-marker and epitaph.


I extend my heartfelt thanks to Rev. David Kim who is president of Schofield Foundation in Canada and invited me to the unveiling ceremony for grave-marker placement of Mrs. Schofield who was buried in this graveyard.


I came from Los Angeles in California. I am an immigrant from Korea. When I was in Korea, I met Dr. Schofield 66 years ago. He was one of the greatest men hom I have ever met. He is my unforgettable Uncle Frank. He had an incredible beauty in his mind, heart, soul and spirit.I came here to celebrate the unveiling ceremony for late Mrs. Schofield. My heart was full of deep emotion thinking of Dr. Schofield. I feel sympathetic with her deeply.


Although I never had the opportunity to meet her, it is evident that she endured illness throughout her life. My heart goes out to her, understanding the depth of her love for Dr. Schofield. Indeed, she accompanied Dr. Schofield to Korea as a medical missionary, demonstrating her unwavering commitment to their shared mission for Christ.


I pay tribute to the remarkable lives of both her and Dr. Schofield as I captured the essence of their dedication to their mission and their impact on the lives of the Korean people, particularly during challenging times.


During their time in Korea, the nation was under Japanese occupation, enduring severe oppression and economic devastation. Mrs. Schofield must have faced immense challenges given this historical context. Her resilience and dedication to the mission are truly commendable, and I sympathize with her struggles as a woman in such trying circumstances.


I deeply admire Mrs. Schofield's perseverance and self-sacrifice for the cause of Christ. Despite the challenges she faced, she played a crucial role alongside Dr. Schofield in advancing their mission and supporting Korean independence efforts.


I extend my heartfelt gratitude for her contributions, and I am honored to be present for this ceremony. Furthermore, it is a joy to see Dr. Schofield's grandchildren here today. You must be immensely proud of your grandparents, whose remarkable lives continue to be celebrated and revered by the Korean people.


Allow me to share a few memories of Dr. Schofield as I knew him. I first met him in 1958 at the Foreign Teacher's House within the Seoul National University Medical School compound. Despite his physical limitations, he exuded warmth and kindness. Over time, our bond grew stronger, and he affectionately referred to himself as my uncle, a sentiment that filled me with joy.


Dr. Schofield not only taught me the Bible but also instilled in me a deep faith in Jesus Christ. His commitment to helping the less fortunate was evident through his tireless efforts to secure scholarships for underprivileged Korean students and orphans. His compassion touched me deeply, especially in the aftermath of the Korean War, when many were in dire need of support.


Thanks to Dr. Schofield's advocacy, countless students were able to pursue their education and contribute to the development of South Korea. His impact on the nation's progress and democracy is immeasurable, reflecting his unwavering dedication to justice and righteousness.


Dr. Schofield's character was truly remarkablea beacon of love and compassion and hope for the Korean people. His gestures of kindness, such as sending postcards from his travels and presenting me with dried Edelweiss flowers, are cherished memories that I hold dear to this day.


I offer my utmost respect, admiration and reverence to Dr. and Mrs. Schofield. Presence of Dr. Schofield’s grandchildren emphasize the importance of passing down their story and values to future generations.


May their legacy continue to inspire and bless us all.


In conclusion, I would like to share my testimony about Jesus Christ. Before I met Dr. Schofield, I was a Buddhist, as was my mother.


Upon meeting Dr. Schofield and participating in Bible study with him, I embraced Christianity. Since then, I have shared the Gospel with my mother and my entire family, and they have accepted Jesus Christ as their savior.


In Him, you will find abundant life and eternal salvation.


God bless each and every one of you!
















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