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My Yoga Online Unites Body, Mind and Web This May by Unlocking 1000 Free Online Classes to the Global Yoga Community

posted Apr 17, 2013


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크게 작게 뷰어로 보기 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄
[전재표 기자/스포츠닷컴]
 My Yoga Online Unites Body, Mind and Web This May by Unlocking 1000 Free Online Classes to the Global Yoga Community


Top Online Studio Unlocks Its Website Initiating a World-Wide, Collective “OM”

  My Yoga Online, the world‘s largest online yoga video company, is unlocking its entire inventory of classes on Mother’s Day, May 12, 2013 until midnight on May 31. More than 1,000 complimentary video sessions will be available via laptop, iPad, Apple TV, Roku, Samsung and more to acknowledge and celebrate all the hard work mothers do throughout the year.

“My Yoga Online is throwing open the doors to our site for 20 days this May to help people everywhere re-balance and de-stress with our 1,000 online yoga, Pilates and wellness classes from more than 100 of the world's best instructors,” says Jason Jacobson, CEO and Co-Founder, My Yoga Online. “My Yoga Online classes can be streamed or downloaded 24 hours a day anywhere in the world, helping moms, students, busy executives, road-warriors and anyone else looking to experience the powerful benefits of yoga and wellness.”

Since its launch in 2005, My Yoga Online has grown to include hundreds of thousands of users in countries around the world, including Dubai, Tasmania and the Arctic.

“In addition to being able to take a yoga class whenever and wherever you like, another benefit of My Yoga Online is the ability to take a class with some of the most sought-after instructors in the world,” said Michelle Trantina, President and Co-Founder, My Yoga Online. “For example, our instructor Ryan Leier works with the rock band Arcade Fire, instructor Bibi McGill is also a guitar player who tours with Beyonc? and Mara Branscombe teaches yoga to the Vancouver Canucks hockey team. Unless you're backstage with these instructors or happen to catch them in their hometowns, the only place you can take their classes is on My Yoga Online.”

With a monthly membership fee of $9.95, My Yoga Online is well below the average cost of a single yoga class and is hassle free - no commute to the studio, no pre-paying to reserve a spot, no crowds and best of all, the perfect yoga class is available anytime and virtually anywhere. A membership to My Yoga Online also makes the ultimate, lasting gift.

To access My Yoga Online‘s free classes from May 12 to 31 or to send a personalized Mother’s Day email to a Mom in your life inviting her to participate in the free classes, please visit www.myyogaonline.com/yogaonthego.

About My Yoga Online

Headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, MyYogaOnline.com went live in 2005 and today reaches hundreds of thousands of users worldwide. My Yoga Online promotes mind-body health, wellness and holistic living though more than 1,000 online yoga, Pilates, and meditation videos. The site also provides expert information on healthy living, workplace wellness, green living, health advice, a Q&A forum with experts, and more. MYO partners with women's charities and makes its content available at no cost.

To subscribe to the site or for more information, please visit www.MyYogaOnline.com or call 1-888-488-3877.

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